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Registration Fee

Payment of Registration Fee until 15 October 2017

To complete the registration to The Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium, please pay the registration fee in advance.

1. Choose a classification of your registration fee, Regular or Student.
2. Press Buy Now.
3. Press「日本語」, and choose English from the menu.
4. Press Create an Account
5. Pay with card --- Input the required information
6. Press Agree and Pay

Notice1: The paid registration fee would not be refunded in principle, even if the participation to the symposium was canceled.

Notice2: Please input your name in English for the payment.画像の説明

1. by PayPal

Registration fee


2. Bank transfer (only inside Japan)
 肥後銀行 長嶺支店 320740  AMBS2016 堤 裕昭
 Regular registration fee --- 25,000 JPY
 Student registration fee --- 20,000 JPY

powered by Quick Homepage Maker 5.3
based on PukiWiki 1.4.7 License is GPL. QHM

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