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Dr. Hiroaki Tsutsumi

A Welcome Message


Dr. Hiroaki Tsutsumi
The chairman of the organizing committee of The Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium in Kumamoto, 2017"
President of The Japanese Association of Benthology
Professor of Prefectural University of Kumamoto, Japan

  On behalf of The Organizing Committee of The Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium (AMBS) and The Japanese Association of Benthology, I would like to welcome all of you to the Third Asian Marine Biology Symposium to be held in Kumamoto, Japan, between November 3 and 5, 2017. The symposium is held under the auspices of The Japanese Association of Benthology, The Plankton Society of Japan, Prefectural University of Kumamoto, and Kumamoto International Convention and Tourism Bureau.
  This symposium was held in Phuket, Thailand, in December 2012, first time, in collaboration with various institutions and associations in asian countries. In those days, we aimed at starting a regular international symposium among marine biologists and marine environmental scientists in the asian region. The first symposium in Phuket, Thailand, in December 2012, and the second one in Jeju, Korea, in October 2014, achieved a big success to promote the exchange of the scientific information, discussion on the various approaches to the future studies among, and collaboration in research among the researchers in asian countries.
  I hope that the third symposium could provide a chance of further active exchange of the researchers studying various issues including basic research fields of marine biology, application fields of marine fisheries, and environmental issues in the coastal seas, among the asian countries. I believe that the efforts to continue AMBS will strengthen our academic society, and encourage collaboration among the researchers in these fields in the asian region.
  This symposium venue, Kumamoto, is one of the most popular places for tourism, since the landscape of land and coastal seas are very beautiful (we are proud of having two different national parks in our prefecture), and variety of foods are delicious in particular in autumn. I hope that all of the participants to the symposium could enjoy the stay in Kumamoto. I look forward to seeing all of you soon at the symposium in Kumamoto, Japan.

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