Presentation guide
Oral presentation
- 20 min. including discussion.
- PowerPoint for Microsoft Office (2007 and 2010 for Win, and 2008 and 2011 for Mac) and KeyNote for Mac are available.
- Please bring the presentation file to the reception desk as follows.
Presenters on the morning of Nov. 4 --- between 13:00 and 17:00 on Nov. 3
Presenters on the afternoon of Nov. 4 --- on Nov. 3 or by 10:40 on Nov. 4
Presenters on Nov. 5 --- on Nov. 3 or by 15:20 on Nov. 4
Place of the reception desk
- Nov. 3 --- at the entrance of "Medium Lecture Room"
- Nov. 4 --- at the entrance of "Large Lecture Room"
Remarks: if a video clip is used for the presentation, please offer its use to the reception desk, and bring the own computer to the presentation room.
Poster presentation
- Poster size is A0 (841 mm (width) and 1189 mm (length)).
- Please put up a poster on the designated board at the room for Poster session between 8:30 and 12:00 on Nov. 4.
- Please take off the poster just after Poster Session II (13:00 to 15:00 on Nov. 5)
- Core time of the poster presentation is allocated to Session I for the odd-numbered presentations and Session II for the even-nunbered presentations. Please confirm your presentation number noted in the schedule.