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Registration information

Please complete all fields of the registration form as requested,
and send it to the organizing committee of the symposium with the registration fee
until October 15, 2017.

Click here: Registration form

Registration fee (pay in advance)
 Early Registration until Aug. 31, 2017
     15,000 JPY (Student), 20,000 JPY (Regular)
 Regular Registration later from Sep. 1, 2017
     20,000 JPY (Student), 25,000 JPY (Regular)

Notice 1: The paid registration fee would not be refunded in principle, even if the participation to the symposium was canceled.

Notice 2: The executive committee of AMBS2017 refunds 10,000 JPY to the student participants who have the membership of The Japanese Association of Benthology or The Plankton Society of Japan, or those belonged to the universities or graduate schools outside Japan, if they have registered themselves to the symposium by Aug. 31, and give a presentation at the oral or poster session of the symposium.

10,000 JPY is refund to all of the qualified student presenters registered by Aug. 31.

Registration fee includes

  • Abstracts of the symposium
  • Refreshments at the welcome reception on the evening of Nov. 3
  • Lunch and coffee break on Nov. 4 and 5
  • Refreshments at the poster session on the evening of Nov. 5
  • Banquet dinner on Nov. 5

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